Commands List For Rune AI

Commands List For Rune AI

Command Descriptions

ps <command>

Description: Executes a PowerShell command on the system. How It Works: Runs the specified PowerShell command and returns the output. Example: ps Get-Process - Retrieves the list of running processes.

close <app_name>

Description: Closes an application by name. How It Works: Searches for an application with the specified name and terminates its process. Example: close notepad.exe - Closes Notepad if it's running.

resolution <width> <height>

Description: Changes the screen resolution. How It Works: Adjusts the screen resolution to the specified width and height. Example: resolution 1920 1080 - Sets the screen resolution to 1920x1080.

wallpaper <path>

Description: Changes the desktop wallpaper. How It Works: Sets the desktop wallpaper to the image located at the specified path. Example: wallpaper C:\\Pictures\\new_wallpaper.jpg - Changes the wallpaper to the image at the specified path.

power <option>

Description: Changes the power settings of the system. How It Works: Puts the system into sleep or hibernation mode based on the option specified. Example: power sleep - Puts the system to sleep.

date <new_date> time <new_time>

Description: Changes the system date and time. How It Works: Sets the system date and time to the provided values. Example: date 09/08/2024 time 14:00 - Sets the date to September 8, 2024, and the time to 14:00.

system sounds <state>

Description: Toggles system sounds on or off. How It Works: Disables or enables system sounds based on the specified state. Example: system sounds off - Disables system sounds.

download <url>

Description: Downloads a file from the specified URL. How It Works: Fetches and saves the file from the given URL. Example: download - Downloads the file from the given URL.

search <query>

Description: Searches the web using the provided query. How It Works: Performs a web search and returns the top result. Example: search Python programming - Searches for information on Python programming.

uninstall <app_name>

Description: Uninstalls the specified application. How It Works: Uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to uninstall the application. Example: uninstall Google Chrome - Uninstalls Google Chrome.

open <resource>

Description: Opens a resource, which can be a URL, file, or application. How It Works: Determines the type of resource and opens it accordingly. Example: open - Opens the provided URL in a web browser.

volume <level>

Description: Adjusts the system volume to the specified level. How It Works: Sets the system volume to the given percentage level. Example: volume 50 - Sets the volume to 50%.

brightness <level>

Description: Adjusts the screen brightness to the specified level. How It Works: Changes the screen brightness to the provided percentage level. Example: brightness 75 - Sets the brightness to 75%.

wifi <state>

Description: Toggles Wi-Fi on or off. How It Works: Enables or disables the Wi-Fi interface based on the specified state. Example: wifi off - Disables Wi-Fi.

weather <city_name>

Description: Retrieves the current weather information for the specified city. How It Works: Fetches weather data from an API and provides the temperature, humidity, and weather description. Example: weather London - Provides the current weather information for London.

search file <query> or search folder <query>

Description: Searches for files or folders matching the query. How It Works: Searches the filesystem for files or folders that match the specified query. Example: search file report.docx - Searches for files named report.docx.

delete <path>

Description: Deletes a file or folder at the specified path. How It Works: Removes the file or folder at the given path. Example: delete C:\\OldFolder - Deletes the folder located at C:\\OldFolder.

create folder <path>

Description: Creates a new folder at the specified path. How It Works: Creates a new folder at the given path if it doesn't already exist. Example: create folder C:\\NewFolder - Creates a folder named NewFolder at C:\\.

create file <path>

Description: Creates a new file at the specified path. How It Works: Creates a new file at the given path. Example: create file C:\\NewFile.txt - Creates a new file named NewFile.txt at C:\\.

move <src_path> to <dest_path>

Description: Moves a file or folder from the source path to the destination path. How It Works: Moves the specified file or folder to a new location. Example: move C:\\file.txt to D:\\file.txt - Moves file.txt from C:\\ to D:\\.

duplicate <src_path> to <dest_path>

Description: Duplicates a file or folder from the source path to the destination path. How It Works: Copies the file or folder to a new location. Example: duplicate C:\\file.txt to D:\\file_copy.txt - Duplicates file.txt from C:\\ to D:\\.

open in explorer <path>

Description: Opens the specified path in File Explorer. How It Works: Launches File Explorer and navigates to the specified path. Example: open in explorer C:\\ - Opens the C:\\ directory in File Explorer.

Power Shell Commands

You can run any PowerShell command using the ps command in your system controller, provided that they have the necessary permissions.

Last updated